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Gold is one of the most interesting elements in existence because of its interesting properties including the fact it is non corrosive and nearly fully resistant to all acids with a few exceptions .This is why gold is used in computer components since copper corrodes easily and silver also corrodes easily and gold is resistant to that wile conducting electricity very well - (don’t go opening your laptop for gold since there is around only 50 cents worth of gold) Gold is also the most malleable metal in the world, if you got 28 grams of gold which is an ounce and rolled it over you would end up with a 27 square meter gold sheet so 1 gram of gold equivalents to about 1 square meter which is 2 desks in a square .Golds number on the periodic table is Au79 which is one of the highest atomic numbers for an natural element and the Au is for Aurum gold is a transition metal there for it is in groups 3 to 12 of the periodic table which silver and coper is also in.

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